
deeanna480x600 People who hear voices are not always in need of counseling. Sometimes we are writers listening to our muses. DeeAnna started listening when she was ten and got a small, powder blue, working typewriter for Christmas.

Born of stubborn Welsh-English stock with a little Cherokee thrown in, DeeAnna grew up the oldest and bossiest of four siblings. Life spun out with wins and losses: she wanted the snow queen crown in the winter pageant at nine, and ended up in the snowflake chorus, but won the title of mathalete the next year. Light her fire baton in junior high? No problem.

She has lived beyond breast cancer and believes in strength, passion, dancing with fate, and keeping your powder dry.

DeeAnna lives in the fresh air and sunshine in Southeastern Washington State with her first husband and HRH Pandora, the miniature pinscher.